Dental grills

The dental grill is a little more dramatic than other forms of tooth jewellery. Dental grills are the chunky metal plates you commonly see across the front teeth of hip-hop artists and rappers such as Kanye West and Ludacris. They were extremely popular in the eighties and there was another surge in popularity in the mid noughties due to the rise in popularity of this type of music. Grills can be worn by anyone, however, including men and women, young and old. There are no barriers but you would probably have to carry a big personality to pull of the dramatic look.

What are dental grills made of?

Grills can be made of various metals; gold, silver and platinum being the popular choices. They can also have precious stones and gems moulded into them depending on how extravagant the individual wants their grill to look. Dental grills are exactly the same as tooth gems in this respect; the design, size and style of the grill is completely down to the individual and their sense of style. Grills can be any size, some have the grill fitted right across the front teeth made from gold and with several precious stones built in " a very dramatic look. Some go for a slightly more subtle approach; well as subtle as a dental grill can be. Any grill, extravagant or not, changes the wearer's face dramatically.

Grills though, were always intended to be dramatic and make a statement about the wearer. The grill has traditionally been known amongst wearers to symbolise monetary success, a reason for which grills are so popular amongst hip-hop artists and rappers who may have had a poor upbringing but have made a great success of themselves through self-expression in their music. The grill symbolises wealth, success and power for many wearers.

Where can you acquire a dental grill?

If you would like a dental grill then the process is very similar to that of tooth gems, permanent and removable. You should always see a dentist to get a dental grill fitted properly. You can buy dental grills from non-professionals, who will probably sell them at a much cheaper price but dental grills are much more likely to aggravate the teeth and gum tissue than tooth gems if they are not fitted properly and this could be damaging to your teeth.

A dentist will discuss your choices on design, style and materials for your dental grill with you and will then take an impression using dental putty. This will then be sent off to a laboratory where your grill will be made and then returned to you. At a greater cost, your impression could be taken using a quick set alginate which is filled with plaster. When the plaster sets, the maker will use the perfect replica of your teeth to fit the grill. This makes for a much more accurate fit which is less likely to damage teeth but if the grill is only worn intermittently such damage should not really be a great issue.

Most people today have removable grills and this is always the best option for the sake of your dental health. The grill should not be worn whilst eating, drinking or sleeping. The best option for your dental health is to wear the grill intermittently for short time periods. It is incredibly important that the grill is removed when cleaning your teeth; it is also important that the grill itself is cleaned thoroughly as the bacteria and food particles lingering in your mouth will cling to the grill as they do to your teeth and this bacteria will over time cause gum disease, dental cavities and even bone loss.

Do dental grills cause any long-term damage?

There is some disagreement amongst dentists as to whether dental grills cause any long-term damage to the teeth and gum tissue. However, as long as the grill is fitted properly the grill and underlying teeth are kept clean and healthy and the grill is not worn for long periods at once, then it is thought that the risk to your dental health is minimal.

A major concern nevertheless is the fact that grills are made from metals that could cause irritation or even allergic reactions. If the grill does cause irritation then it is possible that over time the tooth enamel will start to wear and once this happens the tooth will become more sensitive and will be more susceptible to decay.

Dental grills are clearly an accessory that requires a lot more thought and consideration than a tooth gem; not only is the aesthetic impact more dynamic but the health and practical impacts are more dynamic also. There is no reason however for not going ahead with it if you want a dental grill. With sensible use and a good care regime for your mouth and the grill itself, it is unlikely you will experience any problems due to wearing the grill.

For more details on prices; safety; availability and eligibility, later sections will provide this information.