Milk Teeth Jewellery

This is probably the oddest concept of tooth jewellery we will look at but at the same time it is probably the subtlest and the most meaningful of them all. Milk teeth jewellery is as much about sentiment as it is about fashion and self-expression; if not more. These accessories can be any form of jewellery; a necklace, earrings or maybe even a ring; the choice, like with gems, stones and grills, is completely down to individual taste. Your chosen piece of jewellery is made incorporating your child's milk tooth or several teeth in the design. The teeth are gilded to stop them from rotting and presumably to disguise it because a tooth hanging around your neck may look ever so slightly creepy to a passing stranger.

Where milk teeth jewellery began

This sort of jewellery obviously carries huge sentimental value for the owner and not surprisingly it was the sentimentality of a young mother that made this idea a huge business success. Jewellery designer Kim Kovel did not know what to do when her son Nic lost his first milk tooth. For Nic there was no question of what had happened to his tooth; the tooth fairy had taken it to build her castle and he was more than happy with his sale. However, for Kim it was just too difficult to throw it away and so she decided to turn the tooth into a fabulous piece of jewellery that she would forever be able to treasure. The necklace she made attracted a lot of interest from friends and family; with increasing interest came increasing demand and today her milk teeth jewellery collection, Le Knockout, is a roaring success.

Today there are a number of designers who have adopted the idea of using teeth to create unique pieces of jewellery; it does not have to be your child's milk tooth anymore. Nevertheless, whilst Kim Kovel's milk teeth jewellery is sweet and sentimental, which to some extent justifies the weirdness of it, some may raise an eyebrow when they see a piece of tooth jewellery incorporating teeth that have absolutely no sentimental value at all to the wearer. Some would say that this is taking it a bit too far but then again, the beauty of fashion is the fact that anything goes and tooth jewellery is simply a new way to make a fierce fashion statement.

A surprisingly subtle option

Whilst the concept of this jewellery sounds slightly creepy, it is probably true to say that this jewellery is much more subtle than the other tooth jewellery we have looked at. A simple necklace is much less noticeable and much more wearable than a diamond encrusted solid gold dental grill; even if the idea of the necklace does sound a hundred times stranger. You can have your chosen piece of jewellery covered in precious metal or encrusted with precious stones and gems making it as precious as can be; needless to say though that it will most likely be your child's little golden tooth hanging from the piece that makes it truly priceless.

If you do decide to get in on this though and get your very own little golden tooth, just be sure to have a very good cover story for your little angel " you do not want to go spoiling the illusion now!

For more details on prices; availability and eligibility; later sections will provide this information.