The Application of Tooth Gems

There are generally two ways to apply a tooth gem: at home with a specially created at-home kit or by visiting a professionally trained dentist. Naturally, the latter is the better option to choose; not just for your oral health but for aesthetic purposes as well. A dentist can not only determine the health of the tooth you have chosen to decorate but a dentist also has substantial experience in the procedure and is sure to undergo the application with a great deal more accuracy than you or your best friend could. A dentist also has infinite experience of seeing the finished result and therefore will have a good idea, and will be able to advise you, on what will look good in your mouth. This can be a great source of reassurance when you are making an aesthetic change to your face.

Professional tooth gem application

The professional method of application can be done in two ways, one method more permanent than the other. The permanent method involves drilling a small hole into the tooth in which the jewel can be nested. This method, although proving to last longer, has major drawbacks and should only be undertaken if you are absolutely certain that you want this accessory in your mouth for a long period of time. Not only is this method sometimes painful, problematic and extremely difficult to reverse, but the jewel will eventually fade, wear or even fall out, sometimes leaving the metal backing and no jewel attached to the tooth; or if the jewel falls out, a small hole where the tooth was drilled for application. Many people who opt for this method based on the fact that it lasts longer often regret the decision later on. Naturally, this permanent method can only be carried out by a professional; please don't go reaching for your dad's power drill upon reading this.

The less permanent method is often a safer option to choose; especially if you have never had a tooth gem before. This option still lasts for a substantial period of time, up to a year in fact, but is completely and easily reversible if you decide you do not want the accessory a few months down the line.

Dentist tooth gem appointment

Your trip to the dentist will be short, simple and painless and your dazzling transformation can be complete in as little as 10 minutes. The gem is applied to the tooth using a strong adhesive glue; it is a bit like having an orthodontic bracket applied to the tooth. There is no need for drilling or any other scary dentist stuff; it really is a very simple and pain-free procedure.

Before the application of the jewel your dentist will examine the teeth for any dental work that might need to be done. If any problems are found then these should generally be treated before undergoing application. In particular a dentist will want to be sure that the enamel of the chosen tooth is strong and healthy. If your dentist feels the chosen tooth is not strong enough to uphold the gem then they may suggest a different location for the gem.

If your dentist is completely satisfied with your oral health then he/she will talk you through the procedure and advise you on aesthetic matters before you make a decision about your tooth gem. When the correct kind and design of gem is decided upon, your dentist will usually carry out a thorough cleaning and if needed the surface of the tooth will be gently roughened to ensure perfect conditions for attachment before applying it. The dentist will then perform the application which will be complete in minutes and you will soon be free to go and show off your glam new look.

After the tooth gem application

After the application it may take a little while to get used to the feel of the jewel, as it would with any foreign object in your mouth; but it is instantly ready for revealing and you should not experience any pain or discomfort. If you do you should contact your dentist immediately. Your dentist will also provide you with detailed instructions regarding adequate care of the jewel and the surrounding area, it is important for your oral health that you understand and undertake these activities as directed. As with any addition to the mouth, performing an adequate dental hygiene routine is complicated by the jewel and it is important that you adjust your habits accordingly as good oral health is a must.

Tooth gem home-kits

Although it is not recommended for the best results, at-home kits are available and if you would rather use an at-home kit than visit your dentist then here are some tips to ensure a great result:

  • Make sure you are fully prepared with all of the equipment you will need around you before you start the application
  • Make sure that your teeth are PERFECTLY clean before applying the gem; this includes brushing, flossing and rinsing to ensure the best possible surface for application.
  • Keep the tooth as dry as possible during application

Your DIY kit will come with detailed instructions and you should read and understand these thoroughly before you begin the application. Be sure to follow the instructions to the nail if you want a perfect result. If you experience any problems post-application then you should contact a dentist immediately.

In most cases, the tooth enamel is not damaged at all when applying or wearing tooth gems. When you have the gem applied professionally by a dentist then it is almost never the case that problems will occur. It is more common when you use an at-home DIY kit without a professional consultation but it is still very rarely the case that you will cause damage to the tooth enamel by wearing a tooth gem. The time that you could cause damage is if the chosen tooth's enamel is weak upon application and without a professional consultation this cannot be determined.