Removable Tooth Gems

Removable tooth gems are for those of us that do not like the thought of doing something permanent or even semi-permanent to our face. It can be a daunting thing and if you were to have a tooth gem fitted, with a life span of up to one year and then you decided you hated it, you would then either have to live with it or go and get it removed. If you are one of those indecisive types then the removable tooth gem may be your way forward.

The removable tooth gems looks identical to the normal tooth gems applied with glue but, as you've probably guessed, it can be removed whenever you are not feeling so sparkly. The gem is attached to a transparent skin that is moulded to fit perfectly to your chosen tooth; you can wear the gem as and when you like, inserting and removing it from your mouth with ease and the skin is in no way harmful to your teeth.

Removable tooth gem advantages

The removable tooth gem provides a great advantage in the fact that some of us may have jobs or school to go to where this sort of accessory is not acceptable attire. Schools are often extremely strict about jewellery and the tooth gem would most likely be considered a form of jewellery. The workplace is often as strict and a removable tooth gem gives you the option of a sparkly smile when the time is right without jeopardising your reputation in your professional life. With the removable tooth gem you can choose your mouth accessory like you choose your earrings; accessorising for your mood or for the occasion and optimising that killer smile as and when it is needed.

There is a wide selection of removable tooth gems available, just as there is for the permanent ones. There is a huge range of precious stones and gems to choose from in varying sizes and styles and you may even be able to use your own gem if you so wish. In the same way that you can with permanent tooth gems, you can have just one or a whole string of bejewelled teeth with removable tooth gems, again it is a question of style and individual expression. There is little difference in appearance, options or sparkle with removable and permanent tooth gems; they pretty much have the same effect. The removable tooth gem's sole advantage is the fact that you have the option to take it out when you know the time is not right, and for some this option is a necessity.

Where to get removable tooth gems

To get your removable tooth gem you will first need to get an imprint of your chosen tooth made. There are two ways to do this; visit a dentist that offers the service, there are dentists all around the country that offer removable tooth gems; or you can order a special imprint kit, take the imprint yourself and send it off to the laboratory. The imprint kit comes with detailed instructions of how to take the imprint of your chosen tooth and includes everything you need to take the imprint and get it to the laboratory safely. Obviously, if you are unsure as to whether you would be able to perform the procedure yourself " some people just generally tend to find at-home kits difficult to master " then do not waste your time or money and go to a dentist where the job will be done quickly and properly.

Once you have the imprint sorted you can send it to the laboratory, your dentist will do this if you choose the safe option, where the imprint will be used to make a micro-skin made from clear glass which will fit like a glove to your tooth. The jewel will be mounted on to the imprint and your brand new fashion accessory will be returned to you. You should have absolutely no problem with inserting or removing the jewel from your mouth; it should be painless and comfortable once you have got used to the feeling of it.

If you have any ongoing dental work such as orthodontic treatment or crowns and bridges fitted then you will need to consult your dentist before going ahead with removable tooth gems as your dental health should always be the priority. Depending on the position of your dental fittings, a removable tooth gem may affect this.

Importance of oral health

Furthermore, as this sort of tooth gem is removable you should ALWAYS remove it before cleaning your teeth. You should also take extra care to clean the area where the gem fits thoroughly as fittings in the mouth generally tend to attract bacteria and food particles and it is important that these are removed to avoid dental problems such as cavities and gum disease; and of course do not forget to clean the micro-skin too.

There are a number of laboratories around the country spreading from Scotland right down to Devon and so your nearest one should not be too far away.

You can find out more about prices; safety; availability and eligibility in later sections.