Who Can Wear These Tooth Gems and Dental Jewellery?

If you would like any of these accessories then there is little to stop you in terms of eligibility. All adults are able to wear these accessories; some accessories may depend on your oral health but generally everyone over the age of 18 can go ahead with these procedures. There is a little more restriction for people under the age of 18 but some of these procedures are suitable for everyone. We will now look at each accessory in more detail.

Tooth Gems:

There is no hard and fast rule about who can wear tooth gems. They are generally more popular with women due to obvious reasons such as women often taking more pride in their appearance but men can also get tooth gems if they so wish and there are indeed many men that do wear them.

The multitude of styles and designs means that there is often something that appeals to everyone; women, men and children.

Children are able to have tooth gems applied; the glue used is the same as that used for dental appliances such as braces and most brace wearers are children. The glue poses no higher risk to a child's health than it would for an adult. Nevertheless, children under the age of 16 would generally need the consent of a parent to have the procedure done.

A consideration to make if you are thinking about allowing your child to have a tooth gem is the reaction of your child's school to the accessory. Most schools have strict policies on jewellery and your child's school may not approve of the tooth gem. Before spending money on the gem which may end up having to be removed " and to avoid angering your child's school with your disregard for their policies " it may be a good idea to ask whether they would approve before going ahead.

A further consideration to make is the fact that a child's teeth are still developing; in fact teeth can still be developing up to the age of 21. For this reason, needlessly putting your child's teeth under unnecessary pressure for the sake of fashion may not be a good idea; particularly with removable tooth gems that involve putting a skin right around the tooth. It is a personal choice but nevertheless one that should be considered properly before allowing your child to go ahead with the procedure.

With tooth gems there is one basic rule regarding who is eligible: if a person has a healthy mouth and a good oral hygiene routine they are suitable for a tooth gem.

Dental Grills:

Both men and women wear dental grills. Dental grills can damage the teeth and so anyone should take this into consideration before wearing a dental grill.

Children should not wear dental grills and it is a parent's responsibility to make sure this does not happen. It is unlikely that a dentist would fit a dental grill on a child because of the negative impact on your oral health and the probability of damage is heightened when the teeth are not fully formed. However, you do not have to go to a dentist to get a dental grill and unlicensed sellers may not carry the same moral values of professionals and may well sell these accessories to children.

As with tooth gems, if you go to a dentist to have a dental grill fitted, your eligibility may depend on the health of your mouth. A dentist may refuse to fit a grill in a heavily damaged mouth but this will most likely depend on individual circumstances.

Milk Teeth Jewellery:

Milk teeth jewellery is the same as any other jewellery and so there is no reason why anybody should not wear it. If you would wear another necklace or if you allow your child to wear a necklace then wearing this type of jewellery is no different.

Obviously this jewellery may have great sentimental value so you may not wish for your child to wear such precious jewellery but this really is down to the individual.

Oral piercings:

Both men and women have oral piercings done regularly. Because there is such a huge range of jewellery available for lip and tongue piercings, the piercing can look as masculine or as feminine as the individual chooses.

To have a piercing done you have to be over the age of 18 to get it done in registered salons by qualified professionals and you may need to take proof of your age before the piercer will do it. If you have to show your ID when you buy alcohol then a respectable piercer will probably need to see it too.

If you are over 14 and your parent gives consent for the piercing to be done then a piercer will usually go ahead. Your parent will need to go to the salon with you if you are under 18.